Glanbia Ireland statement on Kilkenny Cheese project
Glanbia Ireland notes with deep disappointment An Taisce’s decision to seek leave to appeal the High Court decision to dismiss its challenge against An Bord Pleanála’s grant of planning permission for a cheese processing facility.
On 20 April the High Court upheld the planning approval granted by An Bord Pleanála for a new continental cheese facility at Belview in County Kilkenny.
Glanbia Ireland chairman John Murphy said: “We passionately believe in this project, which is critical to our market diversification post Brexit and will support Ireland’s post-Covid recovery. The combined impact of An Taisce objections to this project has been a two-year delay to 2024, but an appeal could delay the project even further. This would be bad for farmers, bad for rural communities and would hurt Ireland’s reputation internationally as a location for much-needed Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).”
“As an organisation we are fully committed to sustainability best practice and are actively engaged in the consultation process on Government policies to secure a sustainable future for the agricultural sector, through AgClimatise and the 2030 Agri-Food Strategy.
“As has always been the case, we remain available to meet with An Taisce to address their concerns through constructive dialogue.”